Kindervilla is a "K-12" student-centered, future-focused, co-educational day school established in 2015 with a view of offering the best world class educational opportunities. The student body comprising about 200 students, reflecting the unity in diversity. Our teachers have rich experience and the school has over 20 teachers. With a teacher student ratio of 1:10, every child enjoys individualized attention.
Our vision is to ensure a successful and fulfilling life for our children by merging the trifecta of, the educational needs of TODAY, the traditional wisdom of YESTERDAY, and, the technological future of TOMORROW.
We recognize the imperative of imparting an educational experience that is world-class in every respect and that prepares children for global citizenship. We are a school that celebrates the culture of excellence and is an embodiment of values. We believe that a curriculum of excellence with a global dimension is central to the education of children to face the challenges of the 21st century with confidence and strength of character.
Our mission is to provide a learning environment that encourages children to bring out the best in themselves and enables their all-round development through the joy of learning, enduring values, and celebrating diversity.
Our values and attributes, which align with our guiding statements, are integral to creating a school culture and climate to realise our educational goals.